614.498.0078 info@destinycfr.org

Our Philosophy

A great destiny is not a matter of chance, but a matter of right choices.*

In order to fulfill my destiny, I set my course on the path that God has for me.

I can not positively affect my destiny by trying to change my past.  So, no longer will I be trapped by it.  I choose to be moved by my spirit.

Although I may face obstacles and challenges along the way, no enemy will deny me of what rightfully belongs to me.

My destiny is filled with too bright of a future for me to give up now, and I pursue it as I would fine treasure.

I am willing to go through whatever I need to in order to get to where I need to go.*

And when I do, I will experience the joy, peace and contentment that God has for me.

This is where I am going and with God’s help, I WILL SUCCEED!

A great destiny is not a matter of chance, but a matter of right choices

No one has a monopoly on experiencing a great destiny, and…there’s really no magic to it. Anyone can accomplish this and it’s simply based on the God-given gift to make right choices. In this program, we emphasize that as free moral agents, we create our destiny by the choices we make. One might ask, “How do I know the difference between the right choice and the wrong one?” Anyone who’s been here would agree that in early recovery, this can be quite confusing. So, the safest thing that a person can do is to get assistance and then, follow directions. Follow the directions of people who have been there and done that. It’s a principle that produces consistent results. It is an essential element of truth that works 100% of the time no matter who works it. That’s good news because not even an alcoholic or an addict of the worse kind can stop this principle from producing positive results when they work it. So, experiencing your laughing place; that place of joy, peace and contentment should not be a gamble. It should not be farfetched and it should not be obscure. It’s simply just a matter of making right choices.

I am willing to go through whatever I need to, in order to get to where I need to go

In order to acquire something that you’ve never had before, most people realize that they need to do something that they’ve never done before. However, just knowing that there is a need still doesn’t quite produce results. Need is good but want is better. In essence, you can know that you need something but not want it bad enough to be willing to do what it takes to get it. A want that produces a willingness is necessary to stay the course whenever roadblocks are encountered along the way to your destiny. When you have that want to that produces willingness, you’ll press through anything and inevitably experience the joy, peace and contentment that you’ve been endowed by your creator with. Your success will be without a doubt.

Program Overview

Phase Levels Curriculum

This program consists of 4 phases. Each phase consists of spiritual, clinical and peer to peer therapy and is a step, in preparation for the next. The first phase is Orientation and is a time for the resident to become familiar with the program structure and the process designed for their success. Once this phase is completed, the new resident will have already begun to show signs of maturity. Phase II is the introductory stage, and begins their journey on awareness, and spiritual growth. Phase III is the intensive instruction, and life skills application phase. Phase IV is the ministry phase and will commensurate 4-6 months into the program. It comes with residential staff responsibilities, and other benefits. During this phase the resident is also directed to give back to the outside community through outreach. While journeying through each phase, residents go through a well-suited series of group sessions and interactive classes. See a description of the groups below.


Thinking Errors/Renewing the Mind pt 1

This course will show how a person’s best thinking, while in active addiction was chaotic, and led to the destruction of his life.  The resident will be taught how to now transform his life, by reprogramming his mind based on Romans 12:2.

The First Step

The very first step in recovering from addiction is to realize that there is a grave problem at hand.  This course teaches the participant about denial and that supernatural empowerment to overcome addiction is derived by admitting powerlessness based on II Cor. 12:9, 10.

Phase II

Thinking Errors/Renewing the Mind pt 2

This course continues to place emphasis on right and wrong thinking, and the vital process of renewing the mind.  It introduces the idea of not only being open to God’s Word as the means, but it teaches trust and how to take advice from others.

Understanding God and Self

In this course, the participant will begin to receive the basic elements of who God is, their relationship with Him, and who they are in Him.  The goal of this course is to encourage a deeper relationship, and to develop the fruit or character of Christ.

Crack and Opioid Busters

The nature of crack-cocaine and opioid addiction is insidious and often times requires a devised, and specialized plan of attack for permanent deliverance.  This course systematically lays out the strategies for victory over both.

Relapse Prevention

Inevitably, there are always signs that lead to relapse.  This course is designed to help make the participant aware of his or her own individual triggers and signs and to prepare a plan of escape.

Phase III


Addicts use drugs and alcohol to cover up feelings, as well as to celebrate them.  Now that they are free of any mind or mood-altering substances, it’s often difficult to cope.  This course teaches how to deal with anger, love, fear, joy, envy, and the emotions that accompany achievement without having to use.

Money Matters

Mismanagement of money can ultimately lead one to use.  Not only will this course teach methods to avoid being triggered by money, but will instruct on how to set-up a budget and a checking/savings account for planned spending.

Family Matters

Family is encouraged to Participate

Often those in recovery are side tracked, and disrupted by the care and concern for family members outside.  This course will teach both the resident and their family how to focus on self while fostering good family ties.

Reaching Out

The 12th step of Alcoholics Anonymous has saved the lives of many addicts.  Not only is reaching out an age-old belief, it is the heart of God.  In this course the participant will learn how to establish an outreach ministry, and will be taught the rewards and benefits of doing so.

Job Club

In this course, each participant will learn the successful skills of proper resume writing, telephone networking, and job interviewing.  This course will teach how not to be trapped by the past, and will help the participant to get the job of choice, regardless.

Phase IV

The Leader Within

We need positive and productive role models in the home, in the church, and in the community.  The Leader Within will help residents who are serious about being all that they can be, to tap into that latent potential and influence others for Christ.

Phase V

Sober Support

Non-Residential Graduates

This group is designed to provide those individuals who move into their 5th Phase with guidelines, and structure outside of treatment.  This group will be lightly supervised, and provide a forum for graduates to share their challenges, struggles, solutions, and victories.

Peer to Peer

Destiny Center for Recovery is a peer to peer environment that interactively uses the community as a method for positive change. In other words, each resident commits to the well-being of the other, and helps by “challenging” and holding the other to a high level of accountability in three areas; Thinking, Attitude and Behavior. The proper alignment of these three areas are important to the resident’s success and peer to peer camaraderie is a key component that contributes to that end.

Work Program

Destiny Center for Recovery is a work-oriented program. For many recovering individuals, this level of care does well. The participant is assisted with initial job placement and later provided with job readiness classes in order to prepare for more long-term, permanent employment. While our unique programing is interweaved into the lives of our residents all throughout each and every day, working a job becomes a partner in that process. This component not only encourages responsible behavior, but fosters buy-in. Each resident contributes to their own recovery and well-being and so, creates a sense of accomplishment.

What’s Received

Along with extensive recovery programing comes housing, 3 meals and snacks daily, employment, basic transportation, life-style skills, and job skills.  Adequate housing includes a home atmosphere with dorm-style and semi-private rooms, telephone, cable TV, a digital video player, air conditioning, washer/dryer, microwave, and all other basic amenities. Bath linen and hygiene products will be provided upon request.